MacWorld 1997 September
Macworld (1997-09).dmg
Serious Software
Cherwell Scientific Demos
pro Fit
pro Fit 5.0 demo (68k).sea
pro Fit 5.0.1 demo (68k).rsrc
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Text File
214 lines
Removes all labels from the current x- or y-axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
Removes all ticks from the current x- or y-axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
Sets the text in the label of the given tick mark in the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
i=tick index, >0.
Sets the label of the given tick mark in the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
i=tick index, >0.
r=numeric value to be used for the label.
Adds a major or a minor tick mark to the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
pos=tick position in the axis coordinates.
Set isMaj=true to create a major tick mark.
This function returns the index of the created tick mark.
Creates a new set of tick marks for the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
first=position of the first major tick mark.
dist=distance between major tick marks.
numMin=number of minor ticks between consecutive major ticks.
Sets the position of the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
r=position in the coordinates of the main axes.
Sets the range and scaling of the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
Deletes the x- or y- axis identified by ID.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
Sets the current x- or y- axis to the axis identified by ID.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
Returns the ID of the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
Creates a new x- or y- axis for the current graph.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
min,max=axis range.
sc=scaling of the new axis, 0..3 (0=linear,1=log, 2=1/x, 3=probability).
pos=position in the coordinates of the main axes.
Returns the graph following the one with the given ID.
Returns the first graph if ID=0. Returns 0 if ID is the one of the last graph.
Sets the current graph to the graph with the given ID.
Returns the ID of the current graph.
Changes the position and size of the current graph to match the given coordinates.
Returns the coordinates corresponding to the position and size of the current graph.
Attributes for 'SetGraphAttributes' (add them for combinations).
Attributes for 'SetAxisAttributes'. (Add them for combinations.)
Error styles used in 'OpenDataSet'. (Add them for combinations.)
Fits the function 'func' to the given data set, specified by x-, y- and ∆y- columns.
See 'Fitting' for more details.
Executes the given menu command.
Specify the menu item by 'menu:item' or 'menu:item:subitem'. Append '$OK' if the given menu item displays a dialog box that you don't want to see.
Compiles the function and program definitions found in the text window having the specified ID.
Sets the attributes of the current graph.
i=sum of the constants drawFrame, drawMajorGridX, drawMinorGridX, drawMajorGridY, drawMinorGridY, plotBehindAxes, gridInFront, gridInMiddle.
Sets the attributes of the current x- or y- axis.
ax=xAxis or yAxis.
i=sum of the constants equalToMain, drawAxisLine, drawTicks, drawMajorTickLabels, drawMinorTickLabels, plusSideTicks, minusSideTicks, labelsOutsideFrame.
Returns the ID of the next window behind the given one.
Returns 0 if the given window is the last window. Returns the front window if ID=0.
For a full cycle through all windows start with ID=0 and call 'GetNextWindow' until it returns 0.
Returns the ID of the front most window of the given type.
type=drawingType, dataType, textType.
Returns the ID of the front window.
Sets the title of the given window.
Returns the window type of the given window.
The return value is drawingType, dataType, or textType.
Returns the ID of the window with the given title.
Returns the ID of a current window.
type=window type (drawingType, dataType, textType).
Makes the given window the current window of its type.
Opens a new window.
type=window type (drawingType, dataType, textType).
The new window is the front window. Call 'FrontWindow' to find its ID.
Sets the info text of the given window to the specified text.
Key code.
Used by 'KeyPressed'.
Column type.
Window type.
Drawing file format.
Axis type.
Text style.
Returns the results of a call to 'CalcStat' with med=true.
The parameters are the number of valid data, their mean, median, minimum, and maximum.
Returns the results of a call to 'CalcStat' with skew=true.
The parameters are the number of valid data, their mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis.
Returns the results of a call to 'CalcStat' with basic=true.
The parameters are the number of valid data, their sum, mean, variance, standard deviation, and mean absolute deviation.
Calculates statistics of a data set.
col=column number (col=0: all columns, col=-1: all selected cells)
Set sel=true to use only selected rows.
Set basic,skew,med=true/false and retrieve the results using 'GetBasics','GetSkew','GetMedian'.
Returns the time since startup of your computer in units of 1/60 seconds.
Finds the minimum of the function 'func' by varying the active parameters.
Set varyX=true to vary x.
x and y are return values giving the position of the minimum and the corresponding function value.
Returns false if an error occurred.
Finds the maximum of the function 'func' by varying the active parameters.
Set varyX=true to vary x.
x and y are return values giving the position of the maximum and the corresponding function value.
Returns false if an error occurred.
Executes one of the programs or Apple Scripts in the Misc menu.
'prog'=name of the program as it appears in the menu, case sensitive.
Returns the number of parameters used by a given function.
'func'=name of the function in the Func menu. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
Returns the fitting mode of a function parameter.
'func'=name of the function in the Func menu. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
i=parameter index.
Returns the position of the minimum of a function inside a given interval.
'func'=function name. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
min,max=ranges of the interval where the minimum must be found.
Returns the position of the maximum of a function inside a given interval.
'func'=function name. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
min,max=ranges of the interval where the maximum must be found.
Finds a solution of the equation 'f(x)=val' in a given interval.
'func'=function name. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
min,max=the interval of x-values containing the solution.
val=the function value to be found.
Returns the integral of a function.
'func'=function name. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
min,max=lower and upper limits of the integral.
iter=#iterations for approximating the integral: 5..15.
Returns the derivative of a function with respect to x.
'func'=function name. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
x=argument of the function.
scale=a typical x-scale over which the function varies.
Returns the value of a function parameter.
'func'=name of the function as it appears in the Func menu. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
i=parameter index.
Sets the value of a function parameter.
'func'=name of the function as it appears in the Func menu. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
i=parameter index.
val=the new value for the parameter.
Calls one of the functions in the Func menu.
'func'=name of the function as it appears in the Func menu. Use an empty string ('') for the currently selected function.
x=argument of the function.
Sets the default value, the fitting mode, the name and the fitting limits of a parameter.
i=parameter index.
Sets the fitting limits of a parameter.
i=parameter index.
Sets the name of a parameter.
i=parameter index.
Sets the default value of a parameter.
i=parameter index.